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Turning your standard printer into a network printer can be a game-changer, allowing multiple devices to access it without needing to connect directly. A Raspberry Pi can help you achieve this efficiently and cost-effectively. Follow this detailed guide to set up your network printer using a Raspberry Pi.


A network printer allows all devices on the same network to print documents seamlessly. With a Raspberry Pi, you can turn almost any printer into a network printer, making it accessible from anywhere in your home or office network. This tutorial will guide you through the process step-by-step.

Materials Needed

  • Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian OS installed)
  • Printer (USB or network-capable)
  • Internet connection

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Update Your Raspberry Pi

Begin by ensuring your Raspberry Pi’s software is up to date. Open the terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 2: Install CUPS

CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) is essential for managing printers on Unix-like systems. Install CUPS with:

sudo apt-get install cups

Step 3: Add Pi User to lpadmin Group

To enable the pi user to manage printers, add it to the lpadmin group:

sudo usermod -aG lpadmin pi

Step 4: Configure CUPS for Remote Access

Edit the CUPS configuration file to allow access from other devices on your network:

sudo nano /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

In the file, locate the sections <Location />, <Location /admin>, and <Location /admin/conf>. Update these sections as follows:

Order allow,deny
Allow all

Step 5: Restart CUPS

Apply the changes by restarting CUPS:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

Step 6: Access the CUPS Web Interface

On any device in your network, open a web browser and go to:


To find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, run hostname -I in the terminal.

Step 7: Add Your Printer

  1. In the CUPS web interface, navigate to “Administration” -> “Add Printer”.
  2. You will be prompted to log in. Use pi as the username and your Raspberry Pi password.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to add your printer. CUPS should detect it if it’s connected via USB or available on the network.

Step 8: Install Printer Drivers

During the setup, select the appropriate driver for your printer model. If your printer is not listed, download and install the driver from the manufacturer’s website.

Step 9: Set Up Printer on Client Devices

For Windows:

  1. Go to “Devices and Printers” -> “Add a printer” -> “The printer that I want isn’t listed”.
  2. Select “Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname”.
  3. Enter the Raspberry Pi’s IP address and follow the prompts.

For Mac:

  1. Open “System Preferences” -> “Printers & Scanners” -> “+”.
  2. Click the “IP” tab, enter the Raspberry Pi’s IP address, and follow the prompts.

For Linux:

  1. Open “Printers” from your system settings.
  2. Click “Add” and follow the prompts to find and connect to the network printer.

Step 10: Test the Printer

Print a test page from one of your client devices to ensure everything is working correctly.

Additional Tips

  • Firewall Settings: Ensure your Raspberry Pi’s firewall allows traffic on port 631 (the default port for CUPS).
  • Printer Sharing: Make sure the printer is shared in the CUPS settings, so other devices on the network can see it.


By following these steps, you can turn your standard printer into a versatile network printer using a Raspberry Pi. This setup not only saves costs but also provides the convenience of printing from multiple devices across your network. Enjoy your new network printing capabilities!

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